Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Closing Prayer

A prayer from my dearest loving mother Evelyn M. Cassidy read to me over the phone:

A Closing Prayer
"Gracious and glorious Father, because you are rich in mercy, and great in love, and sovereign in grace, we ask that you would make this little book a window onto the panorama of your glory, and a skylight to your supremacy in all things. By the truth-loving power of your Holy Spirit grant that the glass pane would be clean—that what is faithful to your word would be confirmed, and what is not would be forgiven, not confusing. We ask that your cloud-banishing illumination would be given to our minds, and that spiritual understanding would fill our hearts, and that according to the command of your apostle, we would grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May we see the spectacular sins of the world as horrible as they are. And may we see the holiness of God as pure as it is. And may we see the rule of God over the sin of man as righteous as it is. And thus grant the steel of ultimate reality to strengthen the spine of our faith, and sweeten our lips for the bruised heart. Put the ballast of biblical truth in the belly of our little boats, lest the crashing waves of calamity in these changing times cause us to capsize in the sea of trouble. And according to your apostle's warning, forbid that the increase of our knowledge would cause the increase of our pride. Rather, O God of infinite wisdom, reveal, with all our understanding, the unfathomable sinfulness of our hearts without Christ, and the infinitesimal smallness of our strength in comparison to yours, and the absolute dependence of our life on you, and the unfathomable depths of your judgments, and how dim is the mirror in which we see. Grant to our minds and hearts new and deeper capacities to see and savor the glories of Jesus Christ. With every new glimpse of his glory in your word, let there awaken new affections in our hearts. Ignite our souls to treasure Christ in a way that destroys our sinful lusts and delights the deepest recesses of our being and displays his truth and beauty to a world that does not know that this is what it needs more than anything. And from this all-satisfying treasuring of Christ may there flow a liberation from selfishness, and a triumph over bitterness and anger, and a freedom from worry and fear, and victory over depression and discouragement, and the severing of every root of sensual lust. All this freedom, Lord, we seek for the sake of love. Grant that our contentment in Christ would be a dissatisfied contentment, eager to expand by including others. Grant that the joy of the Lord would not be a solitary joy, but the strength to sacrifice for the good of others, even those who hate us. May brokenhearted boldness and contrite courage attend all our deeds of compassion and all our commendations of Christ to a lost world. Awaken in us tender affections for those who hurt, and self-forgetful attentiveness for those in our presence. And in this treasuring of Christ for his supreme glory and this overflowing love for others, may Jesus be exalted above all things— honored, admired, adored, esteemed, enjoyed, praised, extolled, thanked, and worshiped. May our light shine in this world so that people see you in our sacrificial deeds of love and our uncompromising words of truth and give glory to your hallowed name, Father. Through Jesus Christ, your Son, Amen."

by John Piper

Monday, October 20, 2008

O Great God

O Great God

O great God of highest heaven Occupy my lowly heart Own it all and reign supreme Conquer every rebel power Let no vice or sin remain That resists Your holy war You have loved and purchased me Make me Yours forevermore

I was blinded by my sin Had no ears to hear Your voice Did not know Your love within Had no taste for heaven’s joys Then Your Spirit gave me life Opened up Your Word to me Through the gospel of Your Son Gave me endless hope and peace

Help me now to live a life That’s dependent on Your grace Keep my heart and guard my soul From the evils that I face You are worthy to be praised With my every thought and deed great God of highest heaven Glorify Your Name through me

Words and Music by Bob Kauflin(Based on The Valley of Vision prayer “Regeneration”)

There were 2 people recently that I saw having big difficulties in their life. I saw God answer my prayer before I even confronted them. God convicted and is moving them to change...real life change. Two different people at two different times. I am thanking the Lord for His help in our lives. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He gives us gifts daily.